Day – 23 – Her – Ottava Rima

​I thank the God or the big bang

The computer which runs the math

Or the Overlord of the distant gang

The cosmic entity in a nebulous bath

My eyes flutter and the heart rang

The only water which drowns my wrath

Shrouded in ether, her secret of existence

My heart never shows to her any kind of resistance


I wrote this in response to dVerse’s Form of all – Ottava Rima post.

A part of my #The100DaysOfPoetryLearning project. You can read more about it here if you are interested. 

Ottava Rima – Originally an Italian stanza of eight 11-syllable lines, with a rhyme scheme of ABABABCC. Sir Thomas Wyatt introduced the form in English, and Lord Byron adapted it to a 10-syllable line for his mock-epic Don Juan. W.B. Yeats used it for “Among School Children” and “Sailing to Byzantium.” 


Original photo by Ryan Lum.

Check out his and other amazing works at Unsplash

22 thoughts on “Day – 23 – Her – Ottava Rima

  1. As a practicer of poetry, a scion of the scientific, and theorist of theology, I found myself riding the roller coaster of your rima and enjoying the experience. More questions! Always more questions!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Most of your lines were 8 syllables, rather than 10-11, but no sweat–it still stood up and declared it was an Ottava Rima; it’s a new form for all of us. I dig your metaphysical message, & yes, your rhyme scheme is unforced & bang on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading! I’m a bit hazy on the syllables, Next time I do a poem, I would take care of the syllables too. Thank you for the feedback about syllables.


  3. Your words unfold themselves in much the same pattern as Shakespeare’s sonnets – we are being lead down a path only to have it change direction with a tight focus at the end. Really love that!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I Didn’t know about “Ottava Rima” before reading this one. I loved this piece. Inspired by you, I posted one too which I wrote as a tribute to victims of sexual abuse. Would you check it out and let me know what you think about it?

    Liked by 1 person

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